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Notizia mp3 normalizer

Ottobre 8, 2022

Sound Normalizer 8.7 è stato rilasciato in versione finale!  

Cosa c'è di nuovo?

Improved Batch Processor.

Added function to determine the size of normalized files.

Correzioni di bug.

mp3 normalizer

Sound Normalizer 8.7

Sound Normalizer diminuisce, rende migliore, ristabilisce la qualità e le dimensioni dei file Mp3, Mp4 (AAC, ALAC), FLAC, Ogg, APE, Wav (PCM 8, 16, 24, 32 bits, DSP, GSM, IMA ADPCM, MS ADPCM, AC3, MP3, MP2, OGG, A-LAW, u-LAW) senza perdita degli identificatori tag ID3, FLAC, Ogg. Questo viene riuscire per mezzo del controllo, della normalizzazione del livello di volume sonora dei file Mp3, Mp4 (AAC, ALAC), FLAC, Ogg, APE, Wav e dei codificatori incorporati.

Nel programma è incorporato il processore di pacco per prova del pacchetto, la normailizzazione di pacchetto e la conversione di pacchetto dei file Mp3, Mp4 (AAC, ALAC), FLAC, Ogg, APE, Wav.

Sound Normalizer permette di fare il controllo e di effettuare la normalizzazione su ogni canale a parte.

Il livello del volume è rappresentato graficamente in percentuale o decibel (dB).

Il normalizzatore Mp3 permette di cambiare il livello di volume del file in esame direttamente e senza l’uso tags APEv2.

La normalizzazione e il controllo Mp4 (AAC, ALAC), FLAC, Ogg, APE, Wav vengono effettuati secondo il livello di picco (Normalizzazione di picco), oppure secondo il livello medio di volume sonore (Normalizzazione RMS). La normalizzazione e il controllo Mp3 sono effettuati secondo il livello medio di volume sonora (Normalizzazione RMS).

Sound Normalizer permette anche modificare i tag ID3, FLAC, Ogg, MP4 di convertire il file FLAC in Mp3 (lasciando restare gli identificatori (tags) ID3, FLAC), FLAC in Wav, Wav in Mp3, Mp3 in Wav, Mp3 in Mp3 (lasciando restare gli identificatori (tags) ID3), Wav in MP4, Wav in AAC, MP4 in Wav, MP4/AAC in MP4/AAC,MP4/AAC in Wav, Wav in APE, APE in Wav, APE in Ogg, Wav in Ogg, Ogg in Mp3, Ogg in Wav e, usando il codificatore Lame MP3 Encoder 3.100, FLAC Encoder 1.3.3, Monkey’s Audio Encoder 8.36, Ogg Vorbis Encoder 1.3.7, FAAC Encoder 1.30, di auscultare i file Mp3, MP4, FLAC, AAC, ALAC, Ogg, APE e Wav, servendosi del giradischi incorporato.

Leggi di più su Sound Normalizer nell'articolo "Come migliorare la qualità  dei file Mp3, MP4, FLAC, AAC, ALAC, Ogg, APE e Wav".


Volume Level Tester 1.0

The Volume Level Tester check a volume level of Mp3, Mp4 (AAC, ALAC), FLAC, Ogg, APE, Wav (PCM 8, 16, 24, 32 bits, DSP, GSM, IMA ADPCM, MS ADPCM, AC3, MP3, MP2, OGG, A-LAW, u-LAW) files.

The Volume Level Tester contains batch processor and it allows to fulfill the batch test Mp3, Mp4 (AAC, ALAC), FLAC, Ogg, APE, Wav files.

The volume level is represented graphically in percentage or decibels (dB).

The Mp4 (AAC, ALAC), FLAC, Ogg, APE, Wav, test is fulfilled on a peak volume level and on an average volume level.

The Mp3 test is fulfilled on an average volume level.

History of Changes: Sound Normalizer

29/07/22 Version 8.6 - Stable release update

Improved support of FLAC Tags.

Updated APE coder and decoder Monkey’s Audio to Version 8.36.

17/03/22 Version 8.5 - Stable release update

Improved support of FLAC Tags.

Added support of format 3GPP Media Release XX for mp4 files.

Updated Help.

20/01/22 Version 8.4 - Stable release update

Updated Lame MP3 Encoder to Version 3.100.

Improved mp3 encoding settings and mp3 to mp3 conversion.

Added resampling for mp3 files.

Fixed bugs.

14/09/21 Version 8.2 - Stable release update

Expanded, optimized and improved support tags FLAC (vorbis) for FLAC files.

Updated FLAC coder and decoder to Version 1.3.3

28/10/20 Version 8.0 - Stable release update

Added support of format ALAC/MP4 (m4a, m4r, m4p).

Changed technology of support format AAC/MP4.

Updated AAC decoder FAAD2 to Version 2.9.2.

Updated AAC coder FAAC to Version 1.30.

Updated APE coder and decoder Monkey’s Audio to Version 5.5.

Updated OGG coder and decoder libvorbis to Version 1.3.7.

17/03/18 Version 7.99.9 - Stable release update

Fixed bugs.

01/01/18 Version 7.99.8 - Stable release update

Fixed bugs.

24/07/17 Version 7.99.7 - Stable release update

Fixed bugs.

15/04/17 Version 7.9 - Stable release update

Added error processing for Mp4, FLAC, APE, AAC and Wav files.

08/03/17 Version 7.6 - Stable release update

Improved support of FLAC Tags for FLAC files.

Improved support of Mp3 files.

18/02/17 Version 7.5 - Stable release update

Improved support of FLAC Tags for FLAC files.

Improved support of Wave files.

02/05/16 Version 7.3 - Stable release update

Added support of ID3 Tags ("User Text", "Encoder by", "Modifed by", "Orig Artist", "Orig Album", "Orig Filename", "Orig Lyricist", "Orig Year", "Lyricist", "SubTitle", "Content Group", "Key", "BPM", "Publisher", "Copyright", "User URL", "ISRC", "Play Count", "Album Artist", "Disc", "Conductor").

21/03/16 Version 7.2 - Stable release update

Added support of Ogg Tags ("METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE", "COVERART", "COVERARTMIME") for Ogg files.

Improved support of Ogg Tags for Ogg files.

Improved support of RIFF INFO tags, Wave files.

28/11/15 Version 7.0 - Stable release update

Improved support UNICODE for MP4 and FLAC tags.

09/11/15 Version 6.95 - Stable release update

Added support of write UNICODE for FLAC tags

05/10/15 Version 6.9 - Stable release update

Added support of write UNICODE for ID3 tags

Added support ID3v2.2.0.

Improved support of the Windows 10.

02/09/15 Version 6.85 - Stable release update

Added new quick ID3 tag scanner.

Improved Tag Editor.

28/07/15 Version 6.8 - Stable release update

Added support of RIFF INFO tags for WAV files.

Added support of UNICODE.

Improved support of tags.

15/03/15 Version 6.7 - Stable release update

Improved audio player.

28/02/15 Version 6.6 - Stable release update

Added converting MP4/AAC to MP4/AAC (mp4, m4a, m4b, aac) files.

12/12/14 Version 6.4 - Stable release update

Added converting APE to MP4/AAC (mp4, m4a, m4b, aac) files.

29/11/14 Version 6.3 - Stable release update

Added converting FLAC to MP4/AAC (mp4, m4a, m4b, aac) files.

13/11/14 Version 6.2 - Stable release update

Added support of ID3 tags for format AAC (aac).

01/11/14 Version 6.0 - Stable release update

Added support of format MP4/AAC (mp4, m4a, m4b, aac)

19/04/14 Version 5.73 - Stable release update

Improved support of Mp3 files

14/03/14 Version 5.72 - Stable release update

Improved support of Mp3 files

19/10/13 Version 5.7 - Stable release update

Improved support of Mp3, FLAC files

29/09/13 Version 5.6 - Stable release update

Updated coder FLAC to Version 1.3.0

Improved support of ID3, FLAC, Ogg tags

16/08/13 Version 5.4 - Stable release update

Added converting Ogg to Mp3 files

23/07/13 Version 5.2 - Stable release update

Added converting APE to Ogg files.

Improved support of format Mp3.

28/06/13 Version 5.0 - Stable release update

Added support of format APE (Monkey’s Audio).

Improved support of format FLAC.

23/04/13 Version 4.2 - Stable release update

Added support of playlists M3U, M3U8.

Added converting FLAC to Ogg files.

06/04/13 Version 4.0 - Stable release update

Added support of format Ogg Vorbis.

Improved support of format Mp3.

Improved converting for formats Mp3, FLAC.

15/01/13 Version 3.99.7 - Stable release update

Added new method of normalisation "Normalize each file on a maximum level without clipping" for Wav and FLAC files.

17/12/12 Version 3.99.5 - Stable release update

Added new method of normalisation "Save a ratio between channels".

20/11/12 Version 3.99 - Stable release update

Added representation in decibels (Db) for Wav and FLAC files.

8/10/12 Version 3.98 - Stable release update

7/09/12 Version 3.97 - Stable release update

Added saving of settings.

7/08/12 Version 3.96 - Stable release update

Added support of Unicode for FLAC tags.

17/07/12 Version 3.95 - Stable release update

Added representation in decibels (Db).

13/03/12 Version 3.93 - Stable release update

Added FLAC tags Editor. Fixed bugs.

19/02/12 Version 3.92 - Stable release update

Added support of FLAC tags. Fixed bugs.

01/01/12 Version 3.91 - Stable release update

Fixed bugs.

28/11/11 Version 3.9 - Stable release update

Updated coder Lame to Version 3.99.2. Added support of Unicode for ID3 tags. Fixed bugs and improve interface.

14/11/11 Version 3.8 - Stable release update

Improved player for the Batch Processor. Fixed bugs.

31/10/11 Version 3.7 - Stable release update

Added player for the Batch Processor. Improved converting for Mp3, FLAC and Wav files. Support of Wav files is improved. Fixed bugs and improve interface.

24/08/11 Version 3.5 - Stable release update

Added convertor FLAC to Wav (PCM 8, 16, 24, 32 bits, DSP, GSM, IMA ADPCM, MS ADPCM, AC3, MP3, MP2, OGG, A-LAW, u-LAW) files. Added smooth fade in and out for player. Support Mp3 files is improved.

26/07/11 Version 3.4 - Stable release update

Support Mp3 files is improved.

10/05/11 Version 3.3 - Stable release update

Added technology "Drag-and-Drop".

15/04/11 Version 3.2 - Stable release update

Added converting FLAC to Mp3 files.

06/03/11 Version 3.1 - Stable release update

Added converting Wav (PCM 8, 16, 24, 32 bits, DSP, GSM, IMA ADPCM, MS ADPCM, AC3, MP3, MP2, OGG, A-LAW, u-LAW) to FLAC files.

06/03/11 Version 3.0 - Stable release update

Added support of format FLAC.

24/02/11 Version 2.99.7 - Stable release update

Fixed bugs and improve interface.

mp3 normalizer
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